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Stamp Collector

, Parts, for editing and cataloging stamps collection.


",, Parts for editing and cataloging the collection of stamps."
Stamp collector stamp collector is a software editor. Stamp collector in mind is designed with simple and intuitive user interface. Continuous receive a summary of clicks so that is not necessary to collect for almost all database information is displayed on the main screen. Philatelist user customize the program for their unique requirements allows. Some special features like ability to change an option field labels to create custom reports and printouts are.

Various data fields are supported by program philatelist. Fields or labels for each stamp collection, you can enter information in parts. For example, the default fields stamp, issue # include, category, country, state, location, class, values and more. Fields are all there and all 17 stamps can be changed to fit your collection? is required. This, if not? Ondition name mean? Field? D? With a few simple key strokes you can make changes. This change automatically, including the reports and the main screen is made throughout the program.

In addition to the stamp fields or labels, each Stamp, Details, past a window for input and graphics. Details and date stamp can contain fields that allow to enter longer text entries? show description, unique history, past ownership, or pretty much what you want information. Generally is used to stamp an image in the field of graphics, but still available for whatever you want. Main screen is currently selected for the stamp chart shows aa small.

Other features philatelist, copying, standard reports to sort on various stamp fields include export file back. Csv, and help. Now you can download free 3.1 philatelist.

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